Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Galápagos Diary, Day 11

Day 11, April 22: The big city

About 30,000 people live in Galápagos, more than half of them in and around the town of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island. After ten days of living on a boat it felt like a much bigger place than it is.

We landed at the main dock and boarded a small bus for the National Park visitor center and the Charles Darwin Research Station, where we toured the breeding facility that is working to restore populations of the most endangered tortoise species. We also got to meet Monica’s parents, who were waiting for her at the bus stop. They beamed with pride as we all told them what a wonderful person she is.

Before Europeans arrived there were 15 species of Giant Tortoise. Four are now extiinct.

Lonesome George was the last of his species.

The taxidermied remains of Lonesome George

Floreana Tortoises are extinct, but DNA testing has revealed some Floreana hybrids living on Isabela Island. (Hybrids occurred when ships needed to reduce their weight, often to escape pirates, and tossed their tortoises overboard. The survivors washed up on shore and interbred with the native tortoises.) By identifying individuals with a high percentage of Floreana DNA and breeding them with each other, scientists hope to recreate the species as much as possible.

Floreana hybrid tortoises. These males have been selected as breeding candidates and are waiting to meet Ms. Right.

A fresh batch of baby tortoises


After the research center it was time to explore the highlands and photograph some tortoises in their natural habitat. They’re fearless here, having become accustomed to having photographers around.

After lunch at a small farm, we returned to Puerto Ayora to help support the local economy. We all did our best, purchasing lots of chocolates and souvenirs for ourselves and for loved ones back home.

Darwin's favourite!

Boobies Beer. I wanted to bring one home but it they wouldn't sell it to go.

They have really big albatrosses here.

This gallery had beautiful mosaics

Nursing the pup - on a bench near the dock.

Arguing the finer points of natural selection with my old friend Chuck Darwin

Day 1: Photographers meet Galápagos

Day 2: We meet some new species

Day 3: Don't forget to preheat your camera!

Day 4: More snorkeling, more boobies, and our first snakes

Day 5: Eruption!

Day 6: Tortoises! Flamingoes!

Day 7: A trip to the Post Office

Day 8: Aw, poop!

Day 9: Imagining the past

Day 10: I need a break!

Day 11: The big city

Day 12: Iguana lips

Day 13: Lotsa lava

Day 14: Red sand, a mockingbird pedicure, and lizard sex

Day 15: Leaving Galápagos

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